Hey loved ones!
This past week was crazy! Sunday we went home from church early because Sister Nish and Sister Johnson weren't feeling well and they slept for 5 hours! Then the next day they were feeling better and I wasnt feeling well! We went about our regular preparation day then when it was time to go out and work I was feeling terrible so we stayed in.
Then next day was Zone Training! We were pretty good for that. The rest of the week we felt kinda bad but still not bad enough to throw in the towel and not work, we pressed on :). And we are all feeling better now and going to get our flu shots (that we promised to go get right before we had gotten sick...) soon!
Okay! So let me tell you about our investigator Jesyka! She is awesome. She is 37, and the mother of 4. 19 (girl), 16 (boy), 12 (girl), and 4 (boy). She is learning the truth :) last saturday she had us and two recent converts, Malakai and his wife Lucy, over for dinner! And because Malakai and Lucy are on fire with the gospel they were sharing all kinds of stuff! (Future note, if you ever go out teaching with the missionaries teach simply things :) thank you) And the Word of Wisdom came up. Welp! Surprise! Guess we are teaching the Word of Wisdom! She smokes, and she shared that 3 years ago she had quite smoking before. She quite for 4 years. Then picked it up again and said "I just haven't had a reason to quit again." Oh, we will give you a reason :) After dinner Jesyka gave a wonderful prayer. She thanked God for bringing us into her life and talked about how she is thinking of joining a new family and man, it was just precious! I am so excited for her to join! It is just a matter of time :)
Now let me tell you about friday! So we had a return appointment with this man named Pete and his wife Tarisana. So we had a wonderful lesson with them about the restoration, they were very open to it! They invited us to come back. After we left their lesson we were passing their neighbor and offered him a card with the church's information on it and he wanted another for a woman inside. Then this woman recognizes us a missionaries and says "Hey! We were just talking about religion! Do yall want to come in and share some knowledge with us?" Ummm yes! Yes we do. So we went in and she introduced us to her mother Linnette and her fiancee, Nick (who we found out in the end with assurity, is also a woman) They wanted to know why the dinosaurs are not in the bible...yep we tried not having an opinion on that one. Anyways, we also found out that Linnette is actually a less active member of the church (or so she said, we couldnt find her records). Well they invited us back over for tonight! Hope it goes well!
Next, while we were walking to the car we found a man who also said he used to be a member of the church! And how he was just talking to his wife about how hes thinking of going back! How cool! We also are going to go over to talk to he and his wife after we visit with Linnette! Miracles! Not to mention for the past two weeks we had been oddly redirected on a few different occasions back to that same stretch of town homes! The Lord wanted us over there thats for sure!
Last fun story! we went to a Korean restuaraunt for lunch today and Sister Nish ordered us Mochi ice cream! It was great! After I had eaten half of the green one I thought "what if this is green tea flavored?" I asked, sure enough it was! I stopped eating that one! oops!
And I threw in a few other fun pictures!
Love you all!