Hey everyone!!
Okay! I am so sorry I do not start writing my email until like the last minute! So this week was really good!
We got knew that our Van is ready for pick up and so Wednesday we got to get up and drive to Mount Airy MD to get our van from the shop! It was about an hour and a half drive! And let me tell you being in the back of the van for the drive was the BEST. I just sat back and relaxed! We stopped and got these things called Berger cookies that are only found in Maryland apparently. They are basically half cooking half fudge, SO GOOD.

And here is more pictures with our mini van! So since there are 6 sister missionaries total in our ward and they live in the apartment building next to us. The mission gave us a mini van! Never thought I would be driving one of these on my mission. But when you are in the back seat it is definitely nice! :) For a reason that we do not know, the elders in our ward also have a mini van. And so our ward has the only two mini vans in the whole mission! Weird, but okay!
That same day we were walking around some neighborhood looking for doors to inspire knock on and we decided to go to this house that had a dog out with an electric collar/fence dealio. It was a german shepherd and Sister Bindrup and I got along just fine with this dog but Sister johnson comes around the corner and he growls curls back his lips and snips her right on the thigh! Funny thing is it pinched her skin and broke a little bit of skin (barely) but it did nothing to her skirt! Heavenly father knows that us Sister Missionaries just have a select number of skirts and knew Sister J would need that skirt! Haha very interesting day thats for sure!
This week we had a lesson with Kali and Kyle. They are so ready to join the church, they just need to get married! They are waiting until Oct (sorry if I said all this before) but they originally had it in 2017, so thats better. They even have visiting and home teachers already! Anyways, in our lesson with them this week we talked a lot about her journey in the past few months visiting with us. She talked about "perfection pending" and how even though we are going through hard times thats OKAY. Heavenly father IS aware of us and knows we are struggling, our perfection is just pending!
Love ya
Sister nakata
Oh and Sister Bindrup cut my hair!
And one night we decided to make crepes with a random crepe mix in the apartment, Sister Bindrup made them a little thick..I took over and knew just how to make them ;)
And this man, Todd Jensen, had us over on #SMS day and he gave us like hundreds of dollars worth of Dolterra for free....he is supposed to be a Dolterra sells man but he hardly ever sells it, just gives it away. haha I felt so bad, but he said not to. It was quite fun!