Today Justine gave her talk at Church and her plaque was put on the "missionary wall"
by the bishops office.
This is her last day at home...
After Church we went to the Stake President's home for Justine to be set apart as a full time Missionary.
Then we rushed home for a little open house in her honor and to say goodbye.
I kept getting and making more food thinking I wouldn't have enough...
As it turned out, we had way too much food!
It was after dinner and people had eaten already.
And as people showed up, they also brought more treats!
Next time: less food...
The weather was perfect!
A break in all the rain and cloudiness of this winter.
We opened the back doors.
Mike had put up lights on the patio.
It was lovely!
The kids were able to play in the back yard!

Thank you Aunt Shirley for all the cutting and the Johnsons for helping! :)
We are so going to miss her but are very happy for her decision.
What a great example of courage and sacrifice she is to us all!
She is not your most outgoing talkative of us!
Kinda takes for her moma!
We know she will grow so much by having to reach out of her comfort box.
But especially we know that she will grow closer to her Savior.
And have a once in a lifetime experience.