Mar 6, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Amelie had a birthday cake today for her 8th Birthday.
(I know a little late, but we wanted to celebrate
with her cousins and Aunt)
As she was about to blow the candles...
 Auntie Audie:
 "Make a wish"
"I wish for nothing 'cause
 I have everything. Right here. Right now..."

How beautiful is that?
I wish I could always feel that way...

Amelie a eu un son gateau d'anniversaire aujourd'hui pour ses 8 ans.
( on a attendu de celebrer avec les cousines et Aude)
Au moment de soufler les bougies...
"Fait un voeux"
"Je souhaite rien car j'ai deja tout.
 Ici. Maintenant."

Que c'est mots sont beau...
Moi, je souhaite avoir ce genre de sentiments toujours...

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