Dec 26, 2010

Holiday trip to the Emergency Room

Amelie had a close encounter with a dog.
She hugged him too tight and he snapped at her.
Sarah took care of her until I met them at the emergency room at Children's.
She got a stitch on her upper lip.
She was a little dopey to say the least...
We had another little scare, but hopefully,
only a tiny scar will be left as a memory.
And no, it hasn't stopped Amelie from loving dogs!
Amelie a eu un petit incident avec un chien.
Elle l'a caline un peu trop fort et il l'a mordu sur la figure.
Elle s'est retrouve aux urgences a l'hopital, ou elle a recu un point
de souture audessu de la levre.
Apres qu'il lui ai donne un relaxant, elle etait toute fofolle!
On a eu un peu peur mais une petite cicatrice sera le seul souvenir...
Et non, cela n'a pas arrete Amelie d'aimer autant les chiens.

Dec 25, 2010

Big scare on Christmas day!

We almost lost our little Chloe today!
She fell in the small lake where we went sledding...
She jumped in to go after ducks.
It had ice on it and she couldn't get out.
Justine got her attention lucky for all and she swam to her...
We put her in an electric blanket for 30mn until she stopped shaking!
What a big scare!

Snow Fun on Christmas day

Mike looked so Stylish with Chris's Boots too big for him,
and Sarah's orange coat too small for him!!!

Mike avait la cote avec les bottes de Chris trop grandes,
et le manteau orange de Sarah trop petit!!!!

Christmas Eve at the Johnsons

We kept our tradition and got to sleep and watch Cxmas movies in new Pj's!
Nous avons garde la tradition de dormir et regarder un film de noel avec des pijamas tous neufs!

Dec 24, 2010


So I had the scheme all planned out exept the actual surprise. I had made up flight schedules for Alexi and Justine and emailed them to Sarah, so she wouldn't suspect anything.
We first surprised the kids at their house.
The shocked look on their faces: So entertaining
Then the big one; surprising Sarah and Chris.
We decided with Sophie and Ben to pretend Sophie had hit a dog (Chloe)
on their way to meet them at Aldi.
While we (justine, Mike and I) hid behind the store wall and in our car,
Sophie called her parents in a panic to make them come out to the parking lot.
They did and got the surprise of their life.
Our friend's JOY on this Christmas eve: Priceless

Sarah's thoughts as it all enfolded:
Oh... no, we'll fix the dog. it looks like Chloe. Chris won't mind keeping it.
As she sees Justine:
Oh she came a day early? She brought Chloe with her?
Then she sees Mike and I and it dawns on her that we are all there!!!

Dec 23, 2010

Road Trip to Ohio for The Holidays!!!

So all the kids wanted for Christmas was to go back to Cincinnati
So we decided to make the 17h-road-trip with Chloe of course. 
(Yep, I had vowed not to do that anytime soon after driving from Cinci to Houston in Novemeber!)
We kept it a total Secret so we could Surprise of friends (especially Chris ans Sarah)
only a couple of people knew; Alexi was one of them...

Pour Noel, les enfants voulais retourner a Cincinnati pour les fetes.
Donc apres consideration, nous avons decide de faire le voyage 
de-17-heures-de-voiture, avec Chloe naturellement! 
( Et oui, j'avais promis de ne pas refaire le voyage de Cinci a Houston si tot, apres l'avoir fait en Novembre) 
On a garder notre voyage un secret total! 
On voulais bien Surprendre tout le monde (surtout Sarah et Chris), 
seulement Alexi et une autre personne savait...

Dec 16, 2010


Emric's first Band Concert in his new School. Notice the new Tux shirt, jacket and bow tie!!!!

Dec 12, 2010

A few things our family is thankful for

My family, my parents, my friends, Christmas, the Church, Jesus
For our cat and dog, for mom's cooking.
That she is going to Ohio during the Christmas break.
The example of others, my sweet wife
Morning walks with Chloe, the warm sun, our health, my bed.

Dec 5, 2010

Words to remember

So it's Fast Sunday at about 2pm as we are laying in bed...

Me: Mike would you like me to make lunch or walk the dog?
Emric: You go take the dog mom, I'll take care of dad. I'll make him my specialty ramen.
Mike & Me: "laugh"
Emric: no really mom, it's really good, with eggs and an extra packet of flavoring!
Me: Mike would you like Emric's specialty or me to cook?
Mike: I think I would rather have mom's specialty.

Anyone who knows Emric, knows that he could live on a strictly ramen noodle diet! And I must say he's got them down to perfection. That is if you like ramen noodles!
Mike always says that Emric has a 'body by Ramen Noodles'!

The best hour of the day

Watch Chloe run!
While I was looking for places to take chloe on walks, I bumped into 4 ladies that meet every mornings to let their dogs run free in trails and woods in the area.They invited Chloe and I to go with them. So they text me every morning to let me know where they are meeting and i join them with a happy an excited Chloe. It is quite the sight: 5 ladies with 5 to 7 dogs, our own little pack. My favorite place to go is Jones State Forest by my house (literally walking distance).

En cherchant des endroits pour balader Chloe, j'ai rencontrer 4 dames qui se rencontrent tous les matins pour laisser leurs chiens courir. Elles m'ont inviter a aller avec eux. Donc tous les matins, une d'elles m'envoie un text pour me dire ou elles vont, et je les rejoins avec une Chloe qui est bien heureuse.
C'est toute impressionnant; 5 femmes avec 5 a 7 chiens, ont forme notre propre petite meute.
Mon endroit prefere est la foret Jones tout pres de chez nous. 

W. G. Jones State Park

 Here are a few pictures taken with my phone of the forest by our house.
We have been going there to let Chloe run every weekend, and I take her at least once or twice during the week with our walking pack!
Last Sunday we saw about 12 people on horses, we see dears too...

Voici quelques photos du park pres de chez nous. Nous emmenons Chloe la tout les week-end, et j'y vais aussi avec notre petit groupe de femme dans la semaine. Dimanche dernier, on a vu 12 personnes a cheval, on voi aussi des cherfs.