Aug 19, 2010

Sweet Sixteen - Good Bye Party

Justine turned 16. She had her first date with Dad who took her to Chinese for lunch, he gave her a blue opal necklace he had bought in Australia. She also went out with friends to dinner and a movie. They actually walked out of the movie because it was too inappropriate and got their tickets reimbursement. Good for them!!!!
For her big Sweet 16 Party, we did it at our good friends the Johnson's house, the Party house! About 30 teens swam, jumped on the trampoline (no, not all at once!), played Dance revolution on the Wii, laugh and chatted in the hot tub, ate hamburgers, cotton candy, icies, and popcorn. It was a very fun Party! They are such a great bunch of awesome kids!

Jusitne a 16 ans. Elle a eu son premier "date" avec son papa qui l'a gate de Chinoix, il lui a offer un joli collier achete en Australie: un opal bleu. Elle est aussi sortie avec un group d'amis le soir, repa et cinema. Ils ne sont pas reste longtemps car le film etait inaporprie, ils se sont fait rembourse leur tickets. Bien pour eux!!!!
Pour sa Sweet 16 Party, elle a ete faite chez nos amis les Johnson. Environ 30 ados ont saute sur le trampoline (non, pas tous ensemble!), joue dance revolution sur le Wii, ont rigole et discute dans le hot tub, on mange des hamburgers, barb a papa, glace, et popcorn. C'etait une super Partie! Ils sont un group d' ados genial!

Aug 10, 2010

New Mindy Cd Rocks!

I got Anchor just on time to take with me to Houston on my 2d house hunting trip.
I am listening to it as I drive around all those unfamiliar and new places.

PS: I love my GPS Anabelle!

Je l'ai recu juste a temps pour mon voyage a Houston pour trouver une maison.
Je l'ecoute en conduisant dans tous ces endroits nouveau et inconnu.

PS: J'aime mon GPS Anabelle!

Aug 9, 2010

An Awesome Girl!

I am so lucky to have Justine as my kid! As I have gotten the house ready to sell without Mike, Justine has been an inspiration, a motivator, and a helper to me at a time of need. She got me started and helped me at times when I felt so overwhelmed or discouraged. As soon as school was out, she spent hours helping me pack, organize, clean, carry heavy stuff, paint, and so much more... She has so much strength and stamina, at her age she can stick to a job until it is done, and that without complaining! She sees a need and gets to work. Just her presence has been a source of encouragement and strength for me.
She is simply Awesome!!!! I Love her so much! Thank you Beautiful for being there for your mommy! :)

Je suis tellement benie d'avoir un fille comme Justine. Elle m'a tant aider a un moment ou j'avais grand besoin. Preparer la maison a vendre sans Mike etais souvent decouragent. Des que l'ecole a etait fini, Justine m'a motive a commencer le travail, elle a passer des heures a m'aider a faire les cartons, organiser, nettoyer, porter les choses lourdes, a peindre, est bien plus. Elle a beaucoup d'endurence et de volonte. A son age elle sait finir un boulot, sans se pleindre. Elle voit un besoin et se met au travail. Elle a ete une source de confort et d'encouragement pour moi, just par sa presence. Elle est tout simplement Super! J'e l'aime telement! Merci Justine pour avoir ete la pour ta maman! :)