Jun 24, 2009

I took the 5 love language test

I feel loved when...

The Five Love Languages

My Primary Love Language is Acts of Service

My Detailed Results:
Acts of Service: 12
Quality Time: 9
Words of Affirmation: 4
Physical Touch: 4
Receiving Gifts: 1

About this quiz

Unhappiness in relationships is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. It can be helpful to know what language you speak and what language those around you speak.

Tag 3 people so they can find out what their love language is.

Take the Quiz!
Check out the Book

Jun 13, 2009

My 1st 5K!

I just ran my first 5 kilometer race! I've been running about 3 times a week in the mornings for just 20mn. About a month ago, a group of moms was organized, by some moms at our church.(I've got a link to the blog in "useful blogs"). We are going to run/walk for local 5k and 10k's, for local charities. I joined the group hoping it would motivate me to do more cardio, and so far it has worked. Anyway, I was surprised that I actually ran the whole thing! I did walk towards the end for about 2mn... I did it under 40mn! I know, I'm slow, but I did it!
Here we are after the race, still standing!
Je viens just de courrir mon premier marthon de 5km. Je vais courir a peu pres 3 fois par semaine le matin pour 20mn. Il y a un mois, j'ai joint un group de maman a notre eglise, en espoir de me motiver pour faire du cardio. Nous allons faire des courses de 5km et 10km localement pour des charites. Jusqu'a present cela marche. Bref, je me suis bien surprise, car j'ai tout courru sauf 2mn vers la fin. J'ai fini en dessous de 40mn! Je sais, je suis lante, mais je l'ai fait!!!!

Jun 12, 2009

"It's Ok" Hugs...

Today, my little Amelie finished her year of Kindergarten! After this summer, she will be going to school all day! Time goes too fast! I just want to keep her small and stop time.
She hurt herself after school and came to me for a "it's OK hug"... There is something in those hugs so magical, they make me feel so good! I realized today that she is the last one of our kids that really needs those hugs anymore... I want to cherish every single one of them while they last... Before you know it, the kids get older and they don't need them anymore... But how I love them!!!!

Aujourd'hui, ma petite Amelie a fini son annee de Kindergarten. Apres cet ete elle va aller a l'ecole toute la journee... Que le temps passe vite! Je veux just la garder petite et arreter le temps.
Elle c'est fait mal aujourd'hui et est venue me voir pour un "c'est Ok" calin. Il y a quelque chose de magique pour moi dans ces calins! J'ai realise aujourd'hui qu'elle est la dernier de nos enfants qui veux encore ces calins... Je veux cherir tous ceux qu'il me reste... Avant que l'on ne s'en rend compte, les enfants grandissent et en ont plus besoin... Mais moi je les aimes ces calins!!!!

Jun 9, 2009

Mother's Day in New York

This year, Mike went to New York during mother's day week end. He took me along. It was a lot of Fun! Mike worked a lot, and I did a lot of walking and discovering Manhattan, Time square, etc... Our hotel was in the middle of time square! I spent a lot of time in Central park! Love it! I was able to see Phantom of the Opera and The New York ballet! Both were awesome! I am posting a lot of the pictures I took there on my "One photo a day Blog". When I got home my legs hurt from all the walking! The first time I went to New York, I wasn't too impressed, but this time I really learned to love New York!

Cette annee pour la fete des mere, Mike est alle a New York City pour son travaille. Il m'a donc enmene avec lui. C'etait super! Mike a beaucoup travaille, j'en ai profite pour aller a la decouverte de New York, Manhattan, Time square, etc... J'ai passer beaucoup de temps a Central Park: J'adore! J'ai pu voir Le Phantom de l'Opera, et Le ballet de New York; c'etait merveilleux! Je suis en train de metre pas mal de photos de mes aventures sur mon "one photo a day" blog. Quand je suis rentree, j'avais bien mal aux jambres! La premiere fois que je suis allee a New York, c'etait Ok, mais cette fois ci, j'ai vraiment apprecier, j'adore New York!
No pictures were aloud, I did manage to take just a few shots at the ballet;
without looking into the viewfinder...