Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog lately!
My little brother Laurent is here and we are having some great fun together...
I 've been busy in my Photography business and had the Nativity exhibit at our Church this week too...
Plus being an mom and all!

Desolee, Je ne prend pas bcp de temps pour poster sur mon blog dernierement.Mon petit Frere Laurent est ici et on passe des momments super ensemble!
Je suis tres occupee avec mon busness de photographie ainsi que l'exibition de nativites a notre Eglise... Plus mon boulot de maman!
My little brother Laurent is here and we are having some great fun together...
I 've been busy in my Photography business and had the Nativity exhibit at our Church this week too...
Plus being an mom and all!
Desolee, Je ne prend pas bcp de temps pour poster sur mon blog dernierement.Mon petit Frere Laurent est ici et on passe des momments super ensemble!
Je suis tres occupee avec mon busness de photographie ainsi que l'exibition de nativites a notre Eglise... Plus mon boulot de maman!