Apr 23, 2012

Children's Alexi Update

So I took a little trip to Cincinnati to spend a little time with Alexi. 
He spent a week at Children's getting a pick line to feed him lipids and fat. 
They want to put some fat in that boy (his average weight has been around 95lb), 
so his body gets out of the "lets-survive" mode into the "lets-heal" mode.

Everything went very well. 
He put on 6 pounds while he was in the hospital!
The Johnsons call him "Fatty" now!
He also has more energy.
I so wish he gets better soon so he doesn't have to deal with this Crones disease.
It's taking so long...

I brought him home on Monday.
Nurses came a few times to make sure he was all set up and doing things correctly.
I was very happy to spend a little time with him every day.
We had lunch, shopped for food and clothes. 
We even watched a movie: "Sherlock holmes 2"
It took me, like, 30 mn before I knew what was going on in that movie!

Anyhow, I'm glad I was able to go (Vive SkyMiles!).
I was also able to see some good friends, unfortunately, not all of them.
But that's ok, because, I'll be back!!!! :)

Oh, lets not forget how happy I was to be with my friend Sarah!!!
She is so awesome and incredible!
She does so much for me and my family, especially Lexi!
I know it is a big sacrifice for all in their family, to have taken in Alexi for so long...

Apr 21, 2012


* Fun * Fun * Fun *

Mormon-Prom Photoshoot

Justine spent 48 hours in Ohio for "Mormon-Prom" with all her friends.
She had a blast! 
I got there that afternoon and was able to go myself and see her so happy!
I actually made the corsage for her and a buttoner for her childhood/friend/date Ben.
I took a lot of pictures and enjoyed watching this Awesome group of kids.

Apr 19, 2012


This is Magnolia where I take Amelie once a week for her Diving lesson. 
I love the drive there and the surroundings of the pool.
I take Chloe with me and we walk around there while we wait for her. 
I also sometimes bring a blanket and read a little. 
It is so pleasant... 
As much as The Woodlands are covered in woods, 
Magnolia has fields with awesome huge trees and beautiful Ranches.
The one by the pool had these wild white poppies everywhere!!!

I love being there and the feeling it brings to me, reminds me of my childhood...

Quelques photos ou j'emenne Amelie pour ces lessons de plongeon.
C'est a Magnolia.
J'aime le paysage et autour de la piscine.
Je me promenne avec Chloe pendant que je l'attend.
Des fois, j'emenne une couverture pour m'allonger et lire.
C'est si plaisant.
Les Woodlands on beaucoup de bois, Magnolia beaucoups de champs et de Ranches.
C'est tres joli.
Le petit ranche a cote de la piscine etait couvert de gros coquelicots blancs!

J'aime le sentiment de souvenir de mon enfance...

My First Tomatoes

I ate some of my tomatoes yesterday, the first ones! 
How awesome is that we are only in mid-April!
Did I ever mention how much I love the weather here! 

J'ai manger hier mes premieres tomates!
C'est génial, et nous ne sommes que mi-avril.
Est-ce que j'ai déjà mentionner que j'aime le temps ici!

Apr 14, 2012

Small Wood Pleasures

I really enjoyed my walk.
The weather was warm and windy.
The forest floor was covered with Blackberries.
They were delicious.
Chloe thought so too!
She loves them!
Little splashes of colors were everywhere
I just wanted to spend the whole day there

J'ai trop aime ma promenade.
Il faisait bon avec un petit vent.
Le parterre de la foret etait couvert de murs.
Bien delicieuses.
Chloe les adore aussi.
Des cplash de couleurs etaient partout.
J'aurais bien passer toute la journee la

Apr 12, 2012

About Easter and the Bunny

I think I am done with the Bunny! 
Not with Easter itself of course.
No more easter egg hunts for us, unless they are community ones. 
I am not waking up early (well usually I wake up too late)
anymore to put tons of candy in the yard.
This time, Amelie and Clara saw us through the window up stairs...
OH, and Mike was passing behind me as I was putting reeses eggs and picking them 
all up and stuffing them in his mouth after me.
So bye bye 
the Easter bunny is dead 
at least until the grandkids!

Apr 7, 2012

Easter with the Browns

Our cousins, Celine, Camille and Clara came to hang out with us.

Aude came.
Mike took the younger girls (including Chloe) to the beach. 
While Aude, Celine, Justine and I went shopping.
The teens went to see "Hunger Games"
 Aude and I watched 3 episodes of "Downton Abbey"
( I was dying re watch them)

Our activities included:
Walking in the forest, cooking an easter dinner, playing,
watching movies, biking, cleaning the garage, 
mowing the lawn, writing a talk (justine), washing the cars,
doing hair, sorting clothes, and eating yummy stuff. 
(lamb, Far Breton, glace, brownies, smoothies...)

Jeudi, nos cousines: Celine, Camille and Clara sont venu nous rendre visit.

Aude est arrivee.
Mike a emmener les plus jeunes filles (Chloe aussi) a la plage.
Pendant qu"Aude, Celine, Justine et moi avons fait du shopping.
Les ados sont alles voir "Hunger Games"
Aude et moi ont vu 3 episodes de "Downton Abbey"
(J'avais vraiemment envie de les revoir)

Nos activites on compris
Marcher dans la foret, cuisiner un repas de Paques,
jeux, films, velo, nettoyer le garage et les voitures, tondre la pelouse,
ecrire une discours (Justine), faire des nattes, et manger des bonnes choses.

Apr 1, 2012

The People of Walmart

We have in our family, our very own, true, for real,
Yesterday, Mike and Justine went to do oil changes on the cars.
Justine, not thinking she was going anywhere but dropping Mike off to pick up a car,
was without shoes.
Anyhow, to make a long story short,
Justine ended up with Mike and Chloe at Walmart!
They went in the store while waiting for the cars to be done!
They spent 20mn in there with Chloe without a leash before they got asked to leave!

I doubled over laughing imagining the scene;
A teenage girl with no shoes, bent over, holding a dog by the collar and
a dad who thinks it's normal to have a dog running around in Walmart!

3 women employes with walkie-talkies, tried to catch the dog and find out who it belonged to.
They asked Mike and Justine, who said "Oh, it's ours!"
The employes said that unless it was a service dog, it was not allowed in the store.
So Justine quickly grab some shoes,
took Chloe's collar again and they left to get the cars.

Justine did walk out of there with a new pair of tennis shoes!
I guess it was worth the embarrassment!

Oh! do I wish I had a picture of that!
I could have sent it to add to the collection on the Walmart video linked above!!!

Nous avons dans notre famille, notre propre, pour vrai,
"People of Walmart"
Hier, Mike et Justine sont alles faire les vidanges d'huile des voitures.
Justine, ne pensant pas qu'elle allait sortir de la voiture, n'avait pas pris de chaussures.
Bref, pour raccourcir l'histoire,
Justine et Mike sont alles dans Walmart avec Chloe sans laisse!
Ils se sont ballader pendant 20mn avant qu'on ne leur demande de partir!

J'ai trop rigoler en imaginant la scene;
Une jeunes fille sans chaussures, tenant un chien par le collier et un pere 
qui pense que c'est normal d'avoir un chien qui cours dans Walmart! 

3 employees ont essaye d'attrapper la chienne et de trouver a qui elle appartenait.
Elles ont demande a Mike et Justine, ils ont dit: "Ben, c'est la notre"
Elles leur ont dit que les chiens sont interdit, a moins que ce soit un chien d'assistance. 
Justine a vite choisi des chaussures, 
pris Chloe par le collier et ils sont parti chercher les voitures.

Au moins Justine a eu une nouvelles paire de chaussures, 
j'imagine que cela a compenser pour le grand embarras!!!

Oh, que je donnerais n'importe quoi pour avoir une photo!
J'aurais pu l'envoyer pour ajouter a celle de la video de Walmart ci-dessus!