Yes, I know I am spoiled! I am off to Huston Texas with my Hubby. He is going for business and I guess he doesn't want to be without moi. :) My suitcase gets barely unpacked before I have to fill it again... We will be back Sunday, with more photos! I can barely keep up with all the ones I already have from our travels this Summer!
Et oui, je suis gatee! Je vais avec mon cheri visiter Huston au Texas. Il y va pour son travaille, et je pense qu'il ne veux pas etre sans moi encore. :) Ma valise et a peine deballee que je doit la remplir a nouveau! On rentrera Dimanche, avec plus de photos! J'ai deja du mal a m'occuper de toutes celles que j'ai de nos voyages cet ete!
Aug 29, 2007
Aug 28, 2007
Lina et Lilian

Pictures of my nephew and Lina. I love to capture moments of human tenderness when no one is aware that a camera is pointed at them. I think that those are some of the best photos...
Photos de Lilian avec sa maman Lina. J'aime capturer les moments de tendresse, quand persone ne sais qu'une camera et visee sur eux. Je pense que cela fait pour des belles photos naturelles...
Aug 26, 2007
Got ourselves another little swimmer and diver!
Et oui, en rentrant de France, j'ai eu la bonne surprise de voire ma petite de 4 ans qui nageait ou c'est bien profont!

Et comme j'etais surprise quand elle a saute du plongeon!
Let me give you a hand!
Aug 23, 2007
A colorful plate... worth a shot!
Can you can guess what this is? This appetising plate was found in Alexi's room as he was cleaning it today! It had a lid on it so the smell was contained... I bet you've never found anything as lovely as this in your house?
Vous pouvez deviner ce que c'est? Cette assiete bien appetisante a ete trouvee aujourd'hui par Alexi en rangeant sa chambre! Il y avait un couvercle dessu qui contenait l'odeure... Je suis sure que vous n'avez jamais rien trouve chez vous d'aussi beau!
Aug 6, 2007
Bouquet de mon jardin...
Championship day...

This year, Emric was the only one to do swimming and diving team during the summer. He did a very good job on championship day, He qualified for 2 strokes for finals the next day! Way to go Emric! He was also awarded "Being a good athlete". Emric is so full of life, and has a wonderful team spirit!
Cette annee, Emric est le seul qui a fait la plongee et natation cet ete. Il a fait un tres bon boulot le jour du championa. Il s'est qualifie pour la final le lendemain dans 2 nages. Super Emric! Emric est plein de vie, et a un bon esprit d'equipe!
Aug 5, 2007
Aug 1, 2007
Memoires d'un vie...
This is my Grandma: Henrillette Vanaquer, she is 97.
Everyone thinks that I look like her when she was my age.
So I guess here are a few photos of how I might look like in 50 years,
if I live that long!
Voici memere Henrillette, elle a 97 ans.
Tout le monde dit que je lui ressemble.
Voici donc a qui je devrais ressembler dans
une cinquantaines d'annees,
si je vis aussi longtemps!

Her hands
Hands that have tickled
Hands that have played
Hands that have fed
Hands that have healed
Hands that have served
Hands that have tickled
Hands that have played
Hands that have fed
Hands that have healed
Hands that have served
Hands that have labored
Hands that have suffered
Hands that have comforted
Hands that have sacrificed
Hands that have received
Hands that have loved
Hands that are loved
Ses mains
Mains qui ont chatouille
Mains qui ont joue
Mains qui ont nouri
Mains qui ont gueri
Mains qui ont servi
Mains qui ont travaille
Mains qui ont reconforte
Mains qui ont sacrifier
mains qui ont recu
Mains qui ont aime
Hands that have suffered
Hands that have comforted
Hands that have sacrificed
Hands that have received
Hands that have loved
Hands that are loved
Ses mains
Mains qui ont chatouille
Mains qui ont joue
Mains qui ont nouri
Mains qui ont gueri
Mains qui ont servi
Mains qui ont travaille
Mains qui ont reconforte
Mains qui ont sacrifier
mains qui ont recu
Mains qui ont aime
Mains qui sont aimees
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