In France, I wanted to find a field of poppies to take pictures of, but I never found one so I had to be content with a few here and there... I am quite pleased with the result.
En France, jevoulaistrouverun champ decoquelico a prendre en photo, cela a ete sans succes. J'aidu me contenterdequelquescoquelicoiciet la... Je suis quand meme contente avec le resultat.
What a wonderful time Justine and I spent with family in England and France! But, after being gone for a total of 2 months (counting our trip to Florida) I was so ready to come home! It was so good to be reunited as a family!
Quelsbons moments, Justine et moi avons passer en famille en Engleterreet France! Maisapresetrepartieun total de 2 moisdechez nous, J'etaisvraiementprete a rentrer a la maison... C'etaitsibond'etrereuni en famille a nouveau.
I have tones of pictures, to many for this blog. So it is with pleasure that I give 2 new blog addresses: one for England and one for France. They will be permanently in "My other blogs"
J'aitropde photos pour les metre surce blog, alors,c'estavecplaisirquejevousdonne 2 nouvelles addresses: une pour l'Angleterreetune pour la France. Ellesserontpermanantesdans "My other blogs"