Jul 29, 2006

Sinon le terrain du camp etait tres Joli; avec des lakes pour nager, faire du bateau et de la peche.
The camp had very nice suroundings... with lots of little lakes for fishing, swiming and boating.
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Emric poura y aler dans 2 ans... 
Justine est bien contente de ne pas a devoire y aller! 
Quoique si c'etait que des filles elle adorerait!

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Alexi at Scout Camp

Alexi au camp scout!
Nous sommes alle lui rendre visite hier soire... Ses copins et lui ont compter 60 picures de moustic sur son corp! Il n'y a pas de mots pour l'etat de sa tante! Mais il s'est bien amuser!

Alexi at scout camp!
We went to visit him last night... His freinds and him counted about 60 moscito bites on his body! There are no words for the state of his tent, but he had a lot of fun! Posted by Picasa

Jul 28, 2006

My favorite portrait of Christ.
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Jul 22, 2006

Pool fun with dad!
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Jul 21, 2006

Sunest On Lake Erie
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Jul 16, 2006

And the winner is...
I actually won 3rd place with this one! There was about 80 pictures and only 3 won! I could hardly believe it!
J'ai actuelement gagne 3eme place, il y avait environ 80 photos et 3 gagnantes!
Mom's photos...
Here are 2 of my entries.
Voici 2 des miennes que j'ai entrer dans la competition.

Photo contest...

Here are the photos Alexi entered in the photo contest he and I entered for Pyramid Hill Park.
Voici les photos qu'Alexi a entrer dans un concour de photo pour Pyramid Hill Park pres de chez nous.

Jul 3, 2006



Alexi is only diving this year, no swimming... He prefers to sleep in every day! :)
Alexi a choisi de ne pas faire la natation, just la plongee. Il prefere dormir plus tard le matin.
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Swim pictures

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Swimming and Diving

Swiming and diving season has been keeping us very busy! Keeps the kids out of being bored during the months of june and July.
Nous sommes en plaine saison de natation et de plongeon... Cela occupe les enfants pendant les vacances d'ete pour 2 mois; juin et juillet.

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