Feb 25, 2006
Feb 23, 2006
Feb 22, 2006

He is literally our little sweet heart, he is our spiritual guy with a tender heart. He does get teased a lot by his brother and sisters and gets frustrated with them but he is always willing to make peace and forgive...
We love him so much and hope that he will never grow out of his soft heart.

Il est notre petit homme tres spirituelle,
il a un coeur tres tendre.
Ses frere et soeurs l'embetent souvent; ca l'enerve beaucoup!
Mais il est toujours pret a faire la paix et a pardonner...
On l'aime telement et on espere
que son coeur si tendre ne changera jamais.
Winter wonderland...
Feb 21, 2006

We just saw the most beautiful scenery ever in the Smoky Mountains! It was candy to the eyes and the heart! Everything was iced over! It was such a wonderful experience... Thank you Mike for coming back to get me. A few hours by myself in our cabin reading would have been great, but nothing compared to the Joy of discovering this God given Winter Wonderland with my family.
On vient de voire les plus beau paysages dans les Smocky Montagnes! C'etait du regale pour les yeux et le ceour... Tout etait en glace! C'etait une experience incroyable... Merci Mike pour etre venu me rechercher; pour m'avoir permis de decouvrir cette belle nature avec ma famille, au lieu de rester dans le chalet toute seule a lire.
Feb 15, 2006
Feb 12, 2006
Feb 5, 2006

The first one is where I go buy fresh eggs.
The other ones were taken as I was sitting in my car waiting for a policewoman to give me a speeding ticket!We were on our way to take Mike's Mom to the airport to fly back home. We realy enjoyed having her stay with us for a month.

Nat tu te souviens la premiere est ou je vait chercher les oeufs.
Les autres ont ete prises au bord de la route quand je me suis fait arrete (et oui j'allais trop vite!) On rammenait la mere a Mike a l'aeroport. On a bien aimer l'avoire eu pour un mois avec nous.
The snowman
By Mike!
"Who says there isn't enough snow!"
Here is the snowman Mike and Amelie did together.
Can you tell all the snow had melted ? I was very impressed... he maneged to make one anyway!
Where there is a will there is a way...
Voici le bonhomme de neige que Mike a fait avec Amelie...
Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de neige! Mais il a reussi a en faire un quand meme!
By Mike!
"Who says there isn't enough snow!"

Can you tell all the snow had melted ? I was very impressed... he maneged to make one anyway!
Where there is a will there is a way...

Il n'y avait pas beaucoup de neige! Mais il a reussi a en faire un quand meme!
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